I want to start off by giving a big thanks to all the new fans I've obtained over the past couple months. I greatly appreciate all of your support and there is definitely more in store!
Lately I've been getting alot of messages in my NG inbox concerning song requests for GaMetal.
Back in the early days of GaMetal, I was able to do nearly all requests because I only got them every once in a while. As popularity grew, I started getting more and more song requests till I got so many that doing them all would be impossible.
The best plan I could come up with was to open up a suggestion box, which can be found on my Youtube channel, where people can drop their song requests, and vote on other requests that they like. Songs with high 'like' counts will be done, which so far has been Revenge of Meta Knight, Rainbow Road (Mario Kart Wii), and the latest song Attack of the Koopa Bros.
HOWEVER, that is not to say I will only do top voted songs. Often people submit or send me a request that hits the right chord in my brain that says 'that could be awesome', and I end up doing it. Examples of this would be Cossack Citadel, Galacta Knight Battle, Flying Battery Zone, and some others that were requests that just plain intrigued me.
IN CONCLUSION!!, the plan, which I have been following for the past few months, is to do a highly requested song, then 1 or 2 of my own personal choices (be it a request or not), and repeat. I figure this to be the fairest and best way to satisfy as many people as possible, as well as myself.
Thanks again and continue checking in because there will always be more!
~Jonny Death
TL;DR: Submit any song requests to the moderator box on my Youtube channel.